Warning: Please remember to check your Spam mailbox in case you don’t receive any notifications!
Case 1: Notification when changing Nut's name
Step 1: Access the "Pipeline" menu by clicking on it in the left-hand side menu.
Step 2: Select the Nut that has been assigned to you by clicking on the field labeled "Assignee" and choose your name (this will filter out all the Nut that is assigned to you).

Step 3: Update the Nut’s name in the Name field.

Step 4: Save the changes by clicking the "Update" button. An email notification will be sent to all team members, informing them of the updated changes.

Case 2: Notification when changing Nut's Lead source
Step 1: Access the "Pipeline" menu by clicking on it in the left-hand side menu.
Step 2: Select the Nut that has been assigned to you by clicking on the field labeled "Assignee" and choose your name (this will filter out all the Nut that is assigned to you).

Step 3: Update the Lead source for the Nut by replacing the existing one with a new Lead source.

Step 4: Save the changes by clicking the "Update" button. An email notification will be sent to all team members, informing them of the updated changes.

Case 3: Notification when changing Nut's Assignee
Step 1: As an admin, click on the "Pipeline" menu located on the left.
Step 2: Select the specific Nut for which you wish to change the assignee.
Step 3: Update the assignee by clicking on the field labeled "Assignee" and replacing it with the desired person's.

Step 4: Click the "Update" button to save the changes.

Upon saving, an email will be sent to notify the new assignee of their assigned task.

Case 4: Notification when commenting and tagging user in a Nut
Step 1: Click “Dashboard” or “Pipeline” on the left task bar, click on any email (or use filters to search) to see Nut-detail

Step 2: On “Activities" => “Comments", you can comment and click @ to select the user to tag.

Step 3: Click the “Submit” button when you have written your comment. This will initiate an email notification to inform the person you have tagged in the comment.

Case 5: Notification when replying a comment in a Nut
Step 1: Click “Pipeline” on the left taskbar.

Step 2: Click on a Nut that you have been tagged in a comment.
Step 3: Click on the "Reply" option and compose your response.

Step 4: Once you have written your comment, click the "Submit" button. This action will send a notification to the person who initially tagged you, informing them that you have replied to their comment.