How to import contact through CSV files?
Using Nutsales

Step 1: To import a CSV file, click on "Bulk action" and select "Import CSV".


Step 2: Choose the file you want to import and select header row for the file.


Step 3:Click "Map Columns" and select the corresponding information from "Mappable Fields" to match the columns.

NOTE: Please make sure to follow the displayed requirements for a smooth import process.


Step 4: Afterward, click on "Review data" to verify that the information is correctly displayed.

Step 5: Click "Define assign rules".


Step 6: Select the assignee by checking the corresponding checkbox. Make sure to save the changes.


NOTE: After saving the base rule, click "Add rule" to create and save additional rules.


Step 6: Click "Import and Assign" to finalize the process. This will show the imported rows, errors, new nuts, and contacts. View the new nuts by clicking "View Nuts."


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