How to reply/CC email on Nutsales?
Step 1: On Dashboard or Pipeline pape, click on any email (or use filters to search) to see Nut-detail.

Step 2: In the "Email" category under "Activity," you can reply directly in Nutsales. Click "Reply" to respond and attach files as needed.

NOTE: With the new CC feature, you can easily email multiple recipients and reply to all directly within Nutsales. (tutorial link)
How to add Comment/Note/File
1. How to tag team members and discuss?
In the "Comments" section, post comments and tag team members to discuss issues and collaborate within Nutsales.

In the "Note" category, you can write your own note (only owner of the task can make a note)

2. How to attach a file with an Email reply?
In the "Files" section, click "Attach new file," select your file, and click "Open" to upload.